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to commune with us, at the Temple of Sacred Arts, you must become a member.

We have different membership classes & levels outlined below, ranging from provisional membership for those just testing the waters attending one of our offerings, to devoted patrons, to High Initiates & Ministers of Our Ministry.

Provisional Member
for the curious heart

Do you want to come to one of our practitioner's offerings? An event, temple, ritual, workshop or class? or receive a healing session or 1:1 coaching? No matter how you want to dip your toes in, you may participate in our offerings by becoming a provisional member. To become a Provisional Member all you need to do is complete a membership agreement. This provisional membership covers our curious folks who are just wanting to see what it is like to be a member of our Ministry & Temple / want to attend an evening workshop, work with a practitioner, or drop in on a yoga class without any further commitment. 

Associate Practitioner
of our Ministry

Do you resonate with our desires & dreams for the world? Do you have medicine & magick you want to share, & want to host your offerings at our Temple? Become an member of our Private Ministerial Association as an Associate Practitioner. Once you apply, you will receive a provisional practitioner status. To become a fully activated MER Practitioner, you must attend a full day induction ceremony & orientation within 2 months of your application submission. As an inducted practitioner, you will have access to our on-demand booking software to reserve spaces for your offerings at our Temple & be a part of our private prosperity network where we find creative ways to uplift eachother in our service, development & self-actualization.

Ordained Minister / Ministress
High Priestess / Priest of the MER

For those who lives, breathe, walk this path daily, in each unfolding moment... who have been formally initiated, and demonstrating devotion to the thriving of this Temple & our Ministry, the Goddess, may be nominated for induction & ordination as High Priestesses / High Priests (Ministresses/Ministers) of the MER. More information will be shared in the coming months.

The Cauldron
Fully Activated Membership

Most of you will become members of our Cauldron. Muahaha! As fully activated members, there is a sliding scale for monthly love donations to support our thriving as a Temple & Ministry. Your generous monthly donation is tax deductible and deeply appreciated. These self-selected sliding scale membership tiers offer those with more material wealth who wish to support our Ministry & Temple at a higher level an easy way to do so, and an option the price of a Seattle latte as our base monthly membership. These monthly membership dues, are a love offering / tithe to the Temple, and gives you access to our MER Private Members Patreon, our Telegram group, special perks, private ceremonies, as well as priority registration for special events. 

  • $8-15/month - Mycelium

  • $30 / month - Moss

  • $50/month - Ferns

  • $100/month - Alders

  • $300 - Big Leaf Maples

  • $500/month - Cedars

To activate your full membership, please:

  1. Complete a membership agreement

  2. Subscribe to a membership tier on Patreon via the button below.

  3. Consider making a one-time donation to our GoFundMe campaign. ❤️ 

  4. Register for some of our upcoming events!

MER Priestess
Ministry of The Eternal Rose

Are you on the Priestess Path or devoted to serving the Goddess? The Ministry of The Eternal Rose is awakening a new & ancient order of Priestesses. To begin your priestess journey with us, we invite you to apply for induction into our Ministry as a Priestess. If you are masc-identifying (or male-bodied) please be patient. In the coming months, we will have a sacred invitation to induct our sacred Grail Knights & Temple Priests. For sisters new to this path, but feeling the call, we invite you to sign up for our quarterly rushing/pledge process & induction ceremony. ​ For sisters, already deep in this work, we invite you to become involved in our ministry first as an Associate Practitioner, and to show your support at some of our Temples. As we get to know you, you may receive a private invitation for Initiation into The Ministry of The Eternal Rose Spiral Priestess Path.  As a priestess of The Ministry, you will be invited to private invite-only sacred rituals & temples, be nurtured in your path by our sacred sisterhood, and be bestowed with special privileges, roles and duties (karma yoga / karma marga). This path is not for the faint of heart. Please be prepared to offer yourself fully, as this path demands all of you.

Ready to weave some magick with us?

the first step is to...

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Managed by the Ministry of The Eternal Rose

© 2023-2024 The Ministry of The Eternal Rose

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